You said
We had long waiting times to answer the phone
We did
We have installed a new phone system and are working through altering how we answer calls, options will be announced to you, to select the correct person to respond to your query, we will also share messages about other services that are now available to you, as you might not yet be aware of the changing provision at the practice.
We are offering on-line consultations (admin and/or clinical queries) so you can raise your non-emergency queries with us and we will respond within two days to inform you how we can best manage your request, and when.
We now encourage all patients on a repeat prescription to order their next repeat prescription on-line, this saves you having to contact us by telephone or in person, which helps other patients to access our services more quickly. Please see our website for how to order your repeat prescription on-line.
You said
You do not always find it easy to use our practice website
We did
We have been working with our website provider to make our website easier to navigate, please use the link below and take a look at it now to see what has changed.
You said
The practice was old and falling apart
We did
The surgery has undergone a full renovation in recent weeks